Monday, November 29, 2004

New Website!

Hey, I just wanted to let everyone know that we have a new website. We are using Post Nuke, and we have forums now!
The new address is
Please feel free to sign up for the forums and let us know what you think about the mod, and new website!

Also, I would like that thank you all for your support, and compliments on

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Gameplay Update

In previous posts I have talked about having a main goal and rounds. I was thinking about adding the feature of having a main round key. Each team will have a key, they must beat the other team to the top, once they are past the last checkpoint they can insert the key. Once the key is in place, the opposing teams side of the map will be closed off, and the remaining team will win that round, and the other team will loose buy points, and resources for the next round.

Until I can start testing the main gamplay ideas for the mod, none of this will be clear. Testing is the only way any of the core elements can be set, things like time per round, level height, team size, resource limits, etc...

Please feel free to comment on this Gameplay update, let me know what you think!

Thursday, November 25, 2004


The full SDK will be out next week sometime according to Valve.

They also said they will have a "Surprise for the Community"!! I really hope its Halfife 2 Deathmatch :D

Modding will commence once the full SDK is out. I can't wait!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Still Waiting!

Even after the release of Half-Life 2 I am still wating for the release of the full SDK. From what Ive herd the physgun will be included in the full SDK release. From what Ive read, the SDK will be released "soon". Im hoping it will include a small multiplayer version of Half-Life 2.

Due to this "delay" of the full SDK, I cannot release the map I was working on. The map is nothing special, I made it to test the basic concept of Konstruct. The mod is based on the Physgun, so the map will have to wait until the full SDK is released.

This gives me some more time to work on the map, and tweak it a little. I will probably release some screenshots of the map to the people that wish to test it, in the next few days. Please be patient, I will keep you all posted on any further developement.


Sunday, November 14, 2004

2 more days!

Halflife2 will be out in around 2 days... I cant wait to start messing with the physics, and content! Its supposed to be released tuesday at midnight! (I hope) chances are valve will have problems with steam keeping people from logging on...

Oh well, the game is finally here!

Ive been working on a map, and will be testing it when HL2 is released. I hope to have a very early version of the mod out this coming friday to test the basic concept...
Email me at: if you want to get in on the testing. Thanks!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Mapping and Design

Mapping on the mod has commenced. Only people that have bought, and preloaded HL2 on steam can get the SDK.
Ive been working on some map designes, but nothing extreme atm. Im not the best mapper, but Ive been learning alot from the tutorial websites that have been poping up left and right.
One I would suggest looking at would be
They have some useful tutorials on how to make realistic water, skyboxes, and some other stuff.

Im also working on some concept art, and a breif mod design document. This suff wont be released for a week or 2.

Monday, November 01, 2004

What is Konstruct!!

For all of you wondering what Konstruct is, here is a breif description of it.

Konstruct is a modification for HL2 where you build your way up through tall, narrow maps to reach a goal. You use the gravity weapons in the game to hand your teammates resources you spawn with, and try to help your team reach the goal in the alloted time. As time progresses the goal gets further away making it harder to reach.

Before the round begins, each team is given a minute or so to decide what they want to do. Each team has a team captain that can give out plans, and can distribute connectors. The connectors are used to attach objects to walls, and other objects.
The Team Captain also has the option of painting on the walls to show his teammates exactly what he wants done.

Konstruct is a Hl2 Modification copyrighted by the Thornapple Publishing Company, HL2 is a registered/copyrighted product of the Valve Corporation